Generate Optimal Road Safety Plan

This module enables users to estimate annual reductions in fatalities and serious injuries in all 10 strategic priority areas at once.

General Casualty Data1. General Casualty Data

* All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Road Crash Casualties Unit Fatalities Serious injuries Sub question
Motor vehicle occupants casualties Number Percentage of casualties in cars, vans, SUVs, and light trucks only (i.e. not including casualties in buses and heavy trucks)
Motorized two-wheeler casualties Number Percentage of motorized two-wheeler casualties that are aged 15 and above
Pedestrian casualties Number
Cyclists casualties Number
Other casualties Number
Total road user casualties Number

Breakdown by crash type and speed2. Breakdown by Crash Type and Speed

Fatality and serious injury breakdown Proportion LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50 KM/H BETWEEN 50 AND 80 KM/H 80 KM/H AND ABOVE Row Total
Run-off-road (motor vehicle occupants)
Head-on (motor vehicle occupants)
Intersection (motor vehicle occupants)
Motorized two-wheelers
Column total

Infrastructure-related Data3. Infrastructure-Related Data

Types of Existing Infrastructure Unit Baseline
Traffic CalmingProportion of roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 km/h equipped with traffic calming measures Percent
SidewalksProportion of roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 km/h equipped with sidewalks Percent
Divided HighwaysProportion of roads with speeds of 80 km/h and above that are divided Percent
Roadside BarriersProportion of roads with speeds of 80 km/h and above with roadside barriers Percent

Road User Behavior-related Data4. Road User Behavior-Related Data

Risk Factors Unit Baseline
HelmetExisting helmet use rates among motorized two-wheeler riders Percent
SeatbeltMotor vehicle occupant distribution by seating position (excluding buses and heavy trucks)   Total should be 100%
Driver Percent
Front seat passengers Percent
Rear seat passengers Percent
Total Percent
Existing Seatbelt Use rates    
Driver Percent
Front seat passengers Percent
Rear seat passengers Percent
AlcoholProportion of casualties in alcohol-related crashes Percent

Post Crash Care Data5. Post-Crash Care Data

Risk Factors Unit Baseline
Post-crash careProportion of road crash fatalities that occurred instantly at the scene of the crash Percent