Analysis by Intervention Area

In this module, users can set their own targets and estimate road safety outcomes by intervention area (e.g., set the targeted percentage of helmet use, etc.). 

All results have been rounded to the nearest integer.

Please select an intervention area from the 10 icons below.

  • Helmet Use
  • Seatbelt Use
  • Alcohol Use
  • Sidewalks
  • Intersections
  • Divided Highways
  • Roadside Barriers
  • High-Speed Roads
  • Traffic Calming
  • Post-crash care

Helmet Use

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual Motorized Two-wheeler Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
Age 15 and above
Helmet Use Rates (%) Existing Target (Optimal: 95%)
Age 15 and above
Helmets meeting safety standards (%) Existing Target
Age 15 and above
Effective Helmet Use Rates (%) Existing Proposed
Age 15 and above
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
Age 15 and above
Percent change in motorized two-wheeler casualties

Seatbelt Use

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual motor vehicle occupant casualties in Cars, Vans, SUVs and Light Trucks only Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Occupant Distribution by seating position Total should be 100%
Front seat passengers
Rear seat passengers
Seatbelt Use Rates (%) Existing Target (Optimal: 95%)
Front seat passengers
Rear seat passengers
Overall Seatbelt Use Rate (%) Existing Proposed
All ages
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in motor vehicle occupant casualties in cars, vans, SUVs and light trucks only

Alcohol Use

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual road crash casualties (ALL ROAD USERS) Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Proportion of casualties in alcohol-related crashes (%) Existing
All ages
Target % reduction of alcohol-related casualties (Optimal: 50%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in all road user casualties


All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual pedestrian casualties on roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 Km/h Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Proportion of roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 Km/h with sidewalks (%) Existing Target (Optimal: 95%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in pedestrian casualties on roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 km/h


All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual road crash casualties at uncontrolled intersections Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Treatment type
Target extent of intervention (% of uncontrolled intersections—starting with the worst performing in terms of casualties—to be converted into controlled intersections) (Optimal: 80%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in all road crash casualties at intersections

Divided Highways

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual Head-on casualties on roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Proportion of roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above that are undivided (percent)
Treatment type (Optimal: Convert to 2+1 road)
Target extent of intervention (% of undivided roads with operating speeds 80 km/h and above—starting with the worst performing in terms of casualties—to undergo safety treatment) (Optimal: 80%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in head-on casualties on roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above

Roadside Barriers

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual RUN-OFF-ROAD road casualties on roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Proportion of roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above with no roadside barriers (percent)
Treatment type (Optimal: New barrier)
Target extent of intervention (% of roads with operating speeds 80 km/h and above with no roadside barriers—starting with the worst performing in terms of casualties—to undergo safety treatment) (Optimal: 80%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in run-off-road casualties on roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above

High-Speed Roads

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual motorized casualties on roads with operating speed of 80 Km/h and above Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Target reduction in operating speed (km/h) (Optimal: 4.5 km/h)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
All ages
Percent change in motorized casualties on roads with operating speeds of 80 km/h and above

Traffic Calming

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual Road crash casualties (ALL ROAD USERS) on roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 Km/h Fatalities Serious Injuries
Motor vehicle occupants and riders of motorized two-wheelers
Proportion of roads with speeds less than or equal to 50 km/h equipped with traffic calming measures (%) Existing Target (Optimal: 100%)
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities Serious Injuries
Motor vehicle occupants and riders of motorized two-wheelers
Percent change in total casualties on roads with operating speeds less than or equal to 50 km/h

Post-Crash Care

All inputs should be an integer (i.e. no decimal points)
Inputs that are percentages must be between 0 and 100.

Annual road CRASH casualties (ALL ROAD USERS) Fatalities
All ages
Proportion of fatalities that occurred instantly at the scene of the crash (percent)
Number of fatalities that occurred during transfer to or in the medical facility Fatalities
All ages
Expected Change in Casualties Fatalities
All ages
Percent change in all road user fatalities (all ages)